News and events
August 29th and September 5th 2024: Stories in English read aloud by Angela Brisotto for the Wanderlust Art Summer Camp organised by Società Cooperativa Culture at the Salce Collection National Museum in Treviso. Visit Coopculture’s website to read more about the summer camp.
December 2022: The article 'Trascrizioni e traduzioni per l’arte: L’importanza del fare rete offline e dell’imparare da chi ci circonda' gets published on the blog La galassia del traduttore
March 2022: Hosted online event 'Un tè tra traduttori. Marzo 2022'
February 2022: Hosted online event 'Un tè tra traduttori. Febbraio 2022'
December 2021: Hosted online event 'Un tè tra traduttori. Edizione delle feste'
October 2021: Hosted online event 'Un tè tra traduttori'
July-August 2021: The translation from Italian to English of the interview 'Giuseppe Penone with Francesca Pietropaolo and Alexis Dahan' gets published on The Brooklyn Rail
July-August 2020: The interview 'MADDALENA GRANZIERA with Angela Brisotto, Victoria Stephanie Uzumyemezoglu, Sara Antoniolli and Olga Lepri' gets published on The Brooklyn Rail
December 2019-January 2020: The interview 'BARBARA DE VIVI with Angela Brisotto, Victoria Stephanie Uzumyemezoglu, Sara Antoniolli, and Olga Lepri' gets published on The Brooklyn Rail